what is our livable wage compensation fee ?

 Our restaurant charges an equitable compensation fee to ensure fair wages and benefits for our employees, promoting sustainability, inclusivity, and transparency. We believe that employees should not have to rely on tipping to make a living, and this belief is rooted in the history of tipping culture.

Tipping culture originated in the United States during the 19th century when employers in certain industries began to pay lower wages, expecting customers to make up the difference through tips. However, this system has perpetuated income inequality and made many workers vulnerable to fluctuations in tips.

By implementing the equitable compensation fee, we aim to change this narrative. It allows us to provide our employees with fair wages and benefits, reducing their reliance on uncertain tips. We believe that all team members should have a dependable income, and your support of this fee helps us achieve that goal while still providing an exceptional dining experience.

With the current environment of the food-service industry and the constantly rising costs of goods, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to sustain a restaurant business in the Bay Area. It’s important to us to provide a livable wage for our staff while keeping the costs of our food reasonable for our guests. Our Livable Wage Compensation Fee allows us to honor both of these goals.